A look into singers career and health

Adam Levine is an American singer and songwriter, renowned for being the lead vocalist and guitarist of the rock band Maroon 5.

He's married to Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo, and the couple has three children together.

Adam Levine’s early career

Levine started his music career in 1994. (Photo via Instagram/adamlevine)

The 44-year-old singer started his career as the lead guitarist and vocalist of the band Kara’s Flowers in 1994, but they disbanded after their first album failed commercially.

In 2001, the band reformed and named itself “Maroon 5”, with Levine becoming the lead guitarist. Their first album “Songs About Jane” was released in 2002 and became a hit in the United States.

Following that, Maroon 5 released six more albums for which they earned several accolades and recognition, including three Grammy Awards. Some of the most popular albums of Maroon 5 include, Overexposed, Red Pill Blues, It Won’t Be Soon Before Long, Hands All Over, V and Jordi.

Coach for NBC’s The Voice

From 2011 to 2019, Adam Levine also coached NBC’s reality music show The Voice. He coached for seasons 1, 5 and 9.

Furthermore, in 2012, Levine made his acting debut in the second season of American Horror Story as Leo Morrison. Following that, he appeared in numerous movies like Never Stop Never Stopping, Begin Again, The Clapper and Fun Mom Dinner.

Is Adam Levine sick?

No, the popular singer is not sick. He is doing well. He is healthy and in great shape. In 2019, when Levine announced that he was leaving The Voice, speculations about Adam Levine’s health started spreading on social media.

Levine had announced that he would return for the 17th season, but he did not. He went on to explain that it was time for him to move on. This made fans concerned about his health, which led to Adam Levine cancer rumors.

Does Adam Levine have cancer?

Levine got naked for cancer awareness. (Photo via Instagram/adamlevine)

No, the 44-year-old American singer doesn’t have cancer and is doing great. He did get naked for cancer awareness, though.

With only his hands covering his private part, the Maroon 5 singer got naked to encourage men to get evaluated for prostate and testicular cancer. The interesting part about the 2011 photoshoot was that the hands were that of his then-girlfriend, Victoria’s Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna.

Has Adam Levine been sick?

Adam Levine has never been sick, but as a teenager, he was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Previously, he has also spoken on the importance of awareness to help people struggling with ADHD.

The singer believes that proper campaigns and awareness can encourage people with ADHD to seek immediate treatment. Levine has also shared his personal experiences and struggles with ADHD in an article he wrote for ADDitude magazine. There, he mentioned how therapy and medications helped him manage his condition.

How is Levine doing now?

Levine and his wife Prinsloo, welcomed their third baby in January. Last year, he was accused of cheating on his wife, but the singer dismissed the accusations but accepted that he had “crossed the line”. In an interview last year, Levine said:

"My wife and my family is all I care about in this world. I take full responsibility. We will get through it. And we will get through it together."

Recently, Levine also appeared with his family in Maroon’s 5 new single “Middle Ground”.

In the video, the band can be seen sitting around and performing together in a home studio. The video also features a few glimpses of Levine’s wife and the couple’s two eldest daughters Dusty Rose and Gio Grace. The new single was released on May 23, 2023.

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